Die Niedersachsen Kommen – Die Niedersachsen Kommen

16.38 (12.90 + VAT)

Label: Front Records
Release: 2011
Genre: Rock
Country: Germany

In stock

SKU: NS-CD1526 Categories: ,


Nordfront and their friends from the Lower Saxony region have joined forces to set new standards in terms of musical collaboration with this project. Besides Nordfront, who were in charge of this project, the singers of Division Wiking, Terroritorium, Vetaris, Final Stand, Norgard and the solo artist Mücke were also brought on board, who of course didn’t have to be asked twice to show everyone what Lower Saxony has to offer with this project CD.
And that quality is worth it is mercilessly pressed into your eardrums in 10 NEW songs! “Die Niedersachsen kommen” is not a boring sampler that has already been released 1000 times, NO!!!! The singers of all participating bands alternate in the songs again and again and thus give the whole project that special something! Fast and sometimes soulful German RAC.

1 Tätowiert Und Radikal
2 Wer Soll Das Bezahlen
3 Niemals Beugen
4 Die Letzte Patrone
5 Ballade Des Schweigens
6 Jammernder Bürger
7 Ein Grab Für Ein Grab
8 Tirpitz
9 Auf Ihr Brüder
10 Unser Weg

Additional information

Weight 120 g

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