Feindnah – Avantgarde


Label: PC Records
Release: 2021
Genre: Rock, Melodic Hardcore
Country: Germany

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SKU: NS-CD0750 Categories: ,


Anyone already familiar with Feindnah will definitely pick up this CD. But it is also highly recommended for everyone else. Modern, fast music blasts from the speakers, evoking so many associations with other bands, yet captivating with an independence that is unparalleled. The musicians have taken a big leap forward, playing uplifting, fresh rock with a hint of metalcore that can and will certainly excite fans of classic RAC with its interplay of melody and heaviness. The two vocalists complement each other perfectly on the mic, as their varied and polyphonic vocals captivate with both aggression and fury. Up to this point, the 10 powerful songs could be played on the radio if it weren’t for the lyrics. One gets the feeling that they are speaking from the soul when the band presents itself with a clear edge and trumpets its political-ideological stance for 46 minutes! If you like music like CoV, Blutlinie, Übermensch and the like, you will definitely enjoy this!

1 Die Neue Order 4:00
2 Avantgarde 4:12
3 Gegengift 4:43
4 Ahnenband 5:07
5 Scherbenmensch 4:10
6 Wo Ist Sie Hin? 4:13
7 Phönix 4:56
8 Berlin 5:24
9 Wie Brüder
Featuring – Übermensch
10 Fahnenträger
Lyrics By – Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Rolf Börnsen

Additional information

Weight 96 g

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