Honor ‎– Impuls’89


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Year: 2017

Genre: Oi!, Rock

Country: Lengyelország


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SKU: NS-CD0228 Categories: ,


The record after the 2015 reorganization, as its title shows, is not a continuation of the pre-dissolutionary musical trend but the return to the initial tone between 1989-91 RAC / OI!.


1. Impuls ’89
2. Pokonać Ogień
3. Chwałą Niesiona
4. Najlepszy Czas
5. Weekend
6. Instynkt Trwania
7. Dumni I Silni
8. Biało-Czerwoni
9. Niewoli Grom
10. Wspólna Sprawa

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Weight 95 g

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