Nacionalista Hullám 8.


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Pages: 55

Label: BHS Service

Realise: December 2013.

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SKU: NS-K011 Categories: ,


Hungarian NS-zine - Ramon (Mos-Oi) and the Hungarian skinhead movement, -Oi-kor, Titkolt Ellenállás, -Bound for Glory Japan tour 2013, Drizzatorti, Kínos gondolatok, We love to entertain us part 2., Frakass, Backstab, Bombs Away, Lviv- Hardcore Attack 3., - The real resistance XI., Nation Brothers, -Koncertbeszámolók, Martzee, Béla Árnyék Tattoo, - I.S.D. Memorial England 2013. etc etc

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Weight 94 g

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