Famous/infamous album from the heroic times. Legal proceedings and street clashes have paved the way for the band, who have long since distanced themselves from their lyrics, which still live on in the public consciousness and are regularly sung by the cheerful concert-goers.
1 Der Kampf 3:53
2 Rasse Und Nation 1:56
3 Der Erhebung Fanfare 3:16
4 Deutschland Erwache 2:54
5 Blut (Unzensiert) 2:06
6 Drogentod (Demoversion) 4:46
7 Helden Für Deutschland 3:19
8 Vereintes Europa 2:34
9 Wie Lange Noch? 4:37
10 Rache Für Rainer Sonntag 4:47
11 Der Glaube 3:51
12 Yankees Raus 2:07
13 Weissagung 3:44
14 W.P. (Instrumental) 2:27
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