Valhalla was one of the most popular Hungarian NS rock bands of the nineties, and their legendary debut album, “Day of Judgment” was released in 1996. The band’s farewell album was released in 2017 by Loyalty Records. The album “On the Frontline” perfectly combines the stylistic features of the old school atmosphere and the modern rock sound. The lyrics also follow the traditions represented by Valhalla, emphasizing the importance of old values in the current age. In addition to the own songs, we can also find another Skrewdriver cover on the album. A fitting farewell to the legend.
Teljes Erőből 4:35
Hitvallás 4:06
Minket Győzni Szültek 3:19
Asgard Átka 3:18
A Frontvonalban 4:06
W.P. Rock ‘N’ Roll 3:41
A Bátor Ősök Vére 4:28
Nem Mind Arany 4:19
46 Év 2:16
Nem Szegjük Meg 5:15
A Kommunizmus Halott 3:01
A Szabadság Bölcsője 3:22
Éljenek A Harcosok 2:58
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