White Devils Featuring Jesse – Manifesto Of The Resistance

18.90 (14.88 + VAT)

Label: Strong Survive Records
Year: 2008
Genre: Rock, Metal
Country: Poland, Australia

In stock

SKU: NS-CD1367 Categories: ,


The popular Polish RAC/metal band has produced a very good album with Jesse (Deaths Head).
Heavy songs in Polish and English.
Often it’s like listening to a lost Deaths Head album.
Listen out loud!

1 Czas Rewolucji
2 Monster
3 Honor
4 Thousand Deaths
5 Narodowe Siły Zbrojne
6 Face Your Fate
7 Lusting For Death
8 Those Times Are Gone
9 Damned To Corruption
10 Hail Biały Diable
11 The End / Krew Naszej Rasy

Additional information

Weight 115 g

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