White Family – Niepoprawni

16.38 (12.90 + VAT)

Label: Nordic Sun Records, Crime Think Productions
Release: 2022
Genre: Rock
Country: Poland

In stock

SKU: NSBP-CD013 Categories: ,


Father and son from Poland playing RAC. In the booklet you can find the English translation of the lyrics and photos.
1. Niepoprawni (Incorrect)
2. LGBT Trad (LGBT Leprosy)
3. Tolek
4. Zdrajca (Traitor)
5. Wrogie Narody (Enemies Nations)
6. Czerwone Psy (Red Bastards)
7. RPA
8. Przyjacielu (My Friend)
9. Adopcja (Adoption)
10.Slogany (Slogans)
11.Buty Czerwone (Azyl P. cover)
12.Stand Proud (Skrewdriver cover)
+Bonus dalok
13.Adopcja (Punk version)
14.Przyjacielu (Rehearsal version)

Additional information

Weight 105 g

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