In the second part of the split series, the new Hungarian supergroup They Want Your Soul and LANZ, the Chilean-German Spanish-language RAC band of Wiesel (Heureka, Kategorie C etc), will play 5-5 songs.
The musicians of TWYS are members of the best Hungarian bands, continuing the path they started with their successful debut album in 2023 with their powerful, modern sounding metal, hc elements. Well-written Hungarian-language, patriotic lyrics.
Lanz has released one full album and 3 songs on the split album United III. 4.
A great pairing!
They Want Your Soul
1. Korkép
2. Térjetek észhez
3. Lánctalpas harcosok
4. Ismeretlen katona
5. A per
6. En manos enemigas
7. Codo a codo
8. La ultima batalla
9. Nuestro tiempo se está agotando
10. Himmo del soldado
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